Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Wow. We laid waste to the Eastland Bank Christmas Party. There were people fainting on the dance floor and women weeping for what I can only assume was joy. Overall, one of our better gigs. There was also a strange twist of fate when we found out that directly across the street, another band was playing at the same time as us. It made for the type of epic showdown you only see in the climax of a really good Vin Diesel movie. Maybe even an Arnold Schwarzenegger 80's movie. Not quite a Steven Segal movie, but close.
Essentially, the crowd had a choice. They could stay at the bank party where we were playing, or go across the street and listen to the other band, which was equipped with far superior equipment. Maybe the best way to describe their equipment situation is with another word besides "equipped" - but I'm not a writer.
Anyway, it was either them or us. People could have easily left the free food and beer and central heating of the bank party to go out into the sleet and blistering wind to listen to the other band in the parking lot across the street. But no! They stayed.
Bottom line, we pretty much won a battle of the bands this weekend. And that's not something we're going to forget anytime soon.