If you came out to Thunderbird Coffe last Friday night to see The Possum Posse, you no doubt noticed something a little different about the band. Did Brian get a new pair of boots? Did Jes get a new sparkly green guitar? Did Marty get a mustache trim?

For those of you "Fanjos" out there, you no doubt have noticed Robert's unique banjo techniques. You might know him for his riffs, his rolls, his runs and his rhythms. You might know him as the "DJ" of the band, as we once determined that the banjo is the closest thing we have to a set of turntables - and subsequently relegated him to try to transpose any 808 or Moog parts in the Posse's extensive hip-hop cover song repertoire into banjo music.
Others may think of Robert as the Dance Czar of The Possum Posse. Robert's dance moves have incited swooning, fainting, dance fever, hypochondria, aberrations, mania, seizures, cramps, and bloating among a huge number of ladies over the years and earned him fans from as far away as Singapore and Bastrop. At a recent gig, The Posse earned $80 in tips during one of Robert's dance numbers. Yes, it was all from one solitary creepy dude, but the fact remains.
In any case, Robert recently decided he needed to take a hiatus from the band for personal reasons. We're not exactly sure how long Robert's break from The Greatest Band in The World (Possibly ever) will last, but we do know one thing... until he returns, there will be a proverbial hole in the band's proverbial soul.
In the meantime, we've compiled some of Robert's greatest Posse moments into a photo collage for your enjoyment. Stay tuned for more info.