This week, I got a mysterious letter in the mail. Yes, I check the mail. As a matter of fact, I check the mail very regularly, because I have an elderly neighbor who will retrieve any package left outside my front door for more than 15 minutes and take it into his living room for "safe keeping." These little "favors" are not actually favors at all. He just wants me to have to come talk to him, and then thank him for his service. No problem, if he wasn't super-crotchety and unpleasant.
I've never actually gotten anything of significant value in the mail without some sort of signature requirement. I think it's because anybody who sends a package that can be left in plain view from the street is essentially saying "Go ahead, steal this package. You won't be all that impressed by what's inside." In my neighbor's defense, stealing other people's mail and then holding it as ransom is a great way to meet people, and it has been a fruitful strategy for the development of his currently vital social life. Also a felony.
Anyway, I got a bizarre letter in the mail this week. At first glance, it appeared to be some sort of fan mail. And I thought.. "well that's cool. somebody took the time to write and say how much they dig our music." When I think, it's always a more casual lower-case style, by the way.
But then, I got into the meat of the letter. It was abusive, insulting, abrasive, and confrontational. All normal things included in most of the letters we get. But it also contained way too much personal information that may or may not have crossed a line. In any case, I believe the writer (who is still unknown) somehow meant for it to be a positive thing so I'm publishing it here for your inspection and enjoyment. If you have any information on the write, please let me know.
PLEASE NOTE: This was not written by me or any member of The Possum Posse. It is an actual letter we received this week from some random person.
I don't know Anonymous, and I don't' recall meeting him (or her) in Ft. Worth, but he (or she) seems to be an avid blog reader and music listener, so I can't say we can afford to lose his (or her) support. And if we want to get real for a moment, it's totally a dude who wrote that, so I'm going to stop with the "and her" business. I will agree with him that he does have about as much wisdom as a two year old.Dear Possum Posse Blog Writer,
I don’t know if you have the guts to publish this (I started to use the word “nerve,” but figured “guts” sounded more macho), but I’m sending this letter anyway, in the hopes you’ll include it in your blog some day. You recently published something a dang two-year-old wrote (which, incidentally, was considerably more profound than any of your other blog entries . . .), so I thought, Why the heck not? I have as much wisdom as a freakin’ two-year-old.
Anyway, my sweetie and I had an opportunity to hear the Posse at a gig in Ft. Worth recently. It was powerful, to say the least. Now, I’m not saying your music will cure cancer or prevent malaria or anything like that, but I do think it has a certain palliative effect (I looked up the spelling and the meaning of the word “palliative,” so if your hoity-toity editors want to check it out, be my guest – they’ll find it is spelled AND used correctly). Specifically, after the Posse’s performance, my arthritis wasn’t as painful and my sinuses seemed to clear up. Plus, the next morning, I had a world-class “constitutional” that was surely inspired by the band’s performance. That alone was worth the cover charge.
Anyway, I figure you could use a compliment now that all the hoopla from the Guy on a Buffalo mania wore off. I know what it’s like being high on the mountain one day, and lower than a snake’s belly the next – not that I’m equating you with a snake or anything; it’s just a metaphor.
Your music’s good. Dang good. Arthritis-curing and sinus-clearing good. Keep writing those stupid-but-incredibly-meaningful songs.
And, come to think of it, if I actually contracted cancer, I might listen to your music to see if it did any good. Couldn’t hurt. Plus, there’s that great “constitutional” I’d look forward to every morning.
A Loyal Possum Posse Supporter,
We're also proud to announce that our kickstarter project was fully funded, so we'll be in the studio all this month cranking out the magic. We hope to have our first ever full-length studio album completed and released by the end of the spring. If you've got song suggestions, or ideas for the album, feel free to email them to us at